Because of the troublesome path to turn off Siri and associated settings
in your Apple product(s) and have not figured out how to accomplish this
at least in the iPhone, leaving breadcrumbs of clues, leaves you clueless..
My Siri has not bothered me for a few years, and from two iPhones back.
In fact, a few times since totally disabling all settings, I almost wish that
Siri could be called upon; since I don't even use it to finish sentences or
auto-complete anything which I'd thought a digital assistant should do.
Perhaps if I get some free time offline and away from my three older Macs
and 1.5 iPhones (one hasn't been fully set up again; after disabling) I may
write a book. ~ As I've had some incredibly odd real life tales, in real time.
But I may never get around to doing that, so this probably won't happen.
Even if you do turn every thing OFF; on rare occasion the log files, or a
system energy item; or a file shift ledger, or whatever.. An indication of
the existence within your Apple iPhone or computer may show records
related to 'Siri' Name & some shuffled items did occur. But not much.
A few extensive or in-depth searches may reveal how you could find
and totally remove or neuter the Siri name; purge it fully. ~That said..
..I won't reveal more findings here. Least 'Gods of Siri' wreak vengeful
things on any other paths I may choose; &/or edit more of my posts.
Integrated parts of these protected systems, will almost always retain
even a vestige or ghost of their former whole; very difficult to remove.
Parts of the newer iOS and macOS cannot be tampered with at all..
At least not from the consumer side. Unless you become a Developer
or use some of the tricks in their bag: There isn't a DIY siri-lobotomy.